Working Together
Oxfordshire Environment Board (OxEB) was founded in 2018 as an alliance of local environmental organisations. We're working together to ensure a strong voice exists for Oxfordshire's environment. Member organisations agree to collaborate on significant issues impacting the natural environment.
Our Purpose
Remit, structure and membershipThe Oxfordshire Environment Board is an alliance of organisations concerned with the promotion, restoration, enhancement and influencing for the environment of the county. Member organisations are concerned that the environment needs to be taken into account comprehensively in decisions regarding growth, development and climate change in the county. OxEB does not have a formal constitution but it will contribute to fulfilling the role alongside with the Oxfordshire Local Nature Partnership. A steering group comprises 8-10 people covering a broad range of environment organisations with an Oxfordshire perspective. Currently the group includes Earth Trust; CPRE Oxfordshire; Trust for Oxfordshire's Environment (TOE); Thames Valley Environmental Records Centre (TVERC); RSPB; Wild Oxfordshire; Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust (BBOWT); and the three National Landscapes. Please click here to learn more about our current members. Any organisation which supports the aim and purpose of OxEB is welcome to apply to become a member or partner. |
How we operateMembers work together to promote the care of the natural environment and to collaborate on issues of common interest. We use a theme-based approach to determine a number of priorities on which small sub-groups can devote time. Ultimately, we aim to agree shared positions on the policies and plans which will impact the county’s environment.
We have a small budget for administration and communications given by Oxfordshire County Council, which helps us maintain this website and use social media to promote our collective views and responses. TVERC provide secretariat and communications support. |
Current Aspirations